Bob Proctor is a very reputable personal development and professional coach who has helped numerous people to achieve great success in life. His books have reached worldwide, extending the information of the law of attraction and mind power for achieving great success to countless people. In Bob Proctor's recent work, he's asserted that besides the law of attraction, there are additional laws that exist in the universe, which he calls 'The 11 forgotten laws' ;.In order to embrace a life of success and happiness, these 11 forgotten laws must be understood. These laws work the exact same for everybody, at anytime and at everywhere. People can live a fulfilling life achieving what they want to achieve when they live in harmony with these laws.
Law 1: The Law of Thinking
The law of thinking dictates that we can only just attract what we think. By changing your conscious thought patterns, which will be your ruling state, you will allow you to ultimately effectively change the end result from what you want. How far a person can go or how great the success a person might have, is dependent upon the thinking. In order to achieve big success, a person has to think big. When you think success, you'll attract success.
Law 2: The Law of Supply
The law of supply depicts that the universe is a way to obtain unlimited supply. It is enough for everyone. When we concentrate on abundance, our feeling, emotions and actions eventually attract abundance into our live. It's possible to achieve success in any area you're doing in the event that you release yourself from the belief of scarcity. The universe does not restrict or limit on which we're able to achieve, but we do if we allow it.
Law 3: The Law of Attraction
The law of attraction essentially is approximately what we focus, we will attract. Everything we experience inside our life is dictated by our own mindset. If you're a confident thinker, the universe will respond in harmony with you and you will get everything you desire. So, it is essential to just concentrate on thinking about what you need and get emotionally involved to attract it into your life.
Law 4: The Law of Receiving
The law of receiving works turn in hand with giving. We should give to be able to receive. However, we need to let it go and not being attached from what you want to receive too obsessively. We have to trust the universe will somehow give us what we want and all we need to do is usually to be ready to receive it. How much we receive is likely to be limited by how much we allow it.
Law 5: The Law of Increase
The law of increase is approximately being happy and being grateful for what we have now. At the same time, we need to have faith that we can grow and have significantly more of it. The main element to this law is to feel grateful, to praise for the good things and amplify the positive issues that we have in life. The more you appreciate and look at the good sides of things, the more you'll reap. This is because as you are appreciating the good things, you build yourself the momentum to maneuver ahead to obtain additional and more in life.
Law 6: The Law of Compensation
This law is focused on space or vacuum. According to Bob Proctor, universe fills up the empty space or vacuum with the things that we desire, but first we will need to produce a space for this to happen. We have to constantly focus and energize the good things to be able to get the outcome that you want to achieve. The invisible energy of the thinking substance that we radiate is likely to be heard and we will get what we want.
Law 7: The Law of Non-Resistance
Every thought has a frequency. The less you resist on something, the less it will exist. By devoting less attention towards fighting the unwanted thoughts and conditions, you will discover that the problems that you face become less and less pervasive. In pursuing success, you'll encounter resistance along the way. By not focusing on the resistance, you'll eventually achieve the success that you want.
Law 8: The Law of Forgiveness
The law of forgiveness states that we must learn to just accept our own mistakes and letting go of it completely. We've got to appreciate that even if we did something wrong or someone had done something bad to us, we can't always hold to it. We have to learn how to forgive ourselves and others because we won't have the ability to move into a good direction if we're holding back once again to these bad thoughts.
Law 9: The Law of Sacrifice
The law of sacrifice is to stop something that is of less nature for something of a higher nature. Like, to be able to enjoy extraordinary success in life, we have to sacrifice our time, place in the effort and be disciplined to work for what you want to achieve. We have to be persistent and persevere to focus on what we want to be able to achieve it. Motorcycle accidents
Law 10: The Law of Obedience
Whenever we understand the laws and live in harmony with the laws inside our everyday life, we're able to achieve great success. Whenever we obey to the laws, we're governed by the type order which automatically removes all of the challenges and obstacles for all of us along the way. With the type order, universe will answer to us, for each and every need that we want.
Law 11: The Law of Success
The law of success states that everyone is born to succeed. We have the energy and capacity in each folks to be great and to achieve massive success. We have to properly develop it from our inner world to be able to contain it inside our outer world. We have to work from our spiritual thoughts, focus on the non-visible energy to see the manifestation happen inside our physical life.
In summary, it is essential to live in harmony with the universal laws whilst to ensure we're governed to achieve great success and happiness in life.